Moving moving moving!

I have only had time in the last 2 weeks for work and moving. That’s it. No exercise, no blogging, no fun. Well, that last part is not entirely true. I have been having some fun, I just haven’t had time to write about it. Last week, I was in Atlanta last week for work. Surprisingly it was pretty nice weather. The first day I got there, Monday, I walked out of the airport and into a wall of humidity. That was about the worst day weather wise. It was super humid and eventually the skies let lose and the rain came down. I managed to get out for a quick run through Piedmont Park (see pictures below) but the rain was pretty wicked and unfortunately I have been having IT-band issues ever since the Zion 50 and was forced to cut my run short. I am hoping that my IT-band issue goes away soon, for I am missing running! I KNOW! That’s crazy. How can be missing running?? I hated to run when I was younger. The very thought of it made me want to vomit. I would get so worked up and stressed about it. Not any more. I guess that comes with maturity? Or something. I just see running very different now than I did then. I enjoy being out for hours. I enjoy the solitude.

I digress… back to Atlanta. The next 3 days were much less humid, actually barely noticeable, and sunny and warm but not hot. Atlanta is a pretty cool city. This is the second time in less than a year that I have traveled there for work. Last time was last October which is a very nice time to be in Atlanta. I went for runs in Piedmont Park and checked out some of the sites. Last time I did more running than this time, for two reasons: 1. My IT band is still aggravated which means I shouldn’t run (see above), and 2. this trip’s group tended to want to eat right after we were done meeting for the day, which means I didn’t have that break between work and dinner to get a run in. However, I did check out more of the city itself. I visited The Vortex again, a very cool bar downtown. While walking around I also saw the Fox Theater, the Grand Hotel and Margret Mitchell’s home (which happened to be a block from our hotel).  I also visited a bar called Six Feet Under one evening. The bar sits across the street from a very old cemetery in where Margret Mitchell is buried, as well as some of the Coke Family members.

Needless to say, when  I got home Thursday evening, I was exhausted and needing desperately to recoup before the weekend and MOVING!

Saturday May 26 – Moving Day had arrived!  Stephen was operating the Better Burger Truck Saturday for lunch then we would commence the lifting of heavy things for 3 days straight. At first we were excited. Giddy even. Moving is sooooooo much fun. At first. And then, not so much. That is the point we are at now. The “not so much”. Lot’s of trips, lots of sorting, lots of purging of duplicate items, lots of cleaning, dusting, and rearranging.  Lots of trips to the DI.  I think moving into a house that doesn’t have anything in it is MUCH easier than what we did – we moved “me” into “Stephen’s home” which was already full.  So where do you start?  Well, we started in the kitchen. That took most of the afternoon on Sunday. And actually we made some fine adjustments to the kitchen, adding a cabinet and a surface with draws around the oven.  The kitchen is quite functional now.  After that we worked on the guest room (aka Abigail’s walk in closet, but it is also still a very cozy guest room that I hope visitors will find comfortable and accommodating – actually speaking of visitors, we had some visitors both Sunday and Monday night, while moving in. Marlow and Erin Stanton stayed with us among our moving frenzy. Are we crazy? yeah maybe). Then we worked on the master bedroom. Again, made some minor adjustments, such as adding my queen mattress, curtains, bedspread and different art on the walls. Throughout the house we added bits of my home – curtains, art, rugs, and lots of plants. Some of my furniture came too, but I did get rid of a lot of it!  We rearranged the living room – I think it is much better now than the way it was organized before. We still have some more rearranging to do with the living room and the back room, which will become an office/sitting area (formerly known as “The room where things go to be forgotten”).

The bottom line of this whole process has been this: While moving can be tedious and tiresome (which it definitely was) it can be fun with the right person.

Stephen is busy with the Better Burger Truck this week, and I have one last load to pick up from Vine Street, then I will clean the house tonight, and the renter’s move in tomorrow!  I hope to regain some control over my life. This has definitely been crazy. But as I have been saying all month, this is May-hem after all!  Today is the last day of May, which also happens to be my darling niece’s birthday. So Happy Birthday to Carys and may the May-hem be left behind now.


3 thoughts on “Moving moving moving!

  1. Mom says:

    House pictures please

  2. Tom Schaaf says:

    I was really glad to be on Ohio when this move took place! It seems to me that you REALLY, REALLY needed to do this by yourself! 🙂

  3. Hopefully you are feeling a bit more relief from this HUGE transition.
    I know how crazy it was when I packed up the house for my remodel and then unpacked the most important stuff and the rest goes away, wherever that is! I cannot imagine moving in with someone who already has set up housekeeping. Can’t wait to see the transformation.

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