Years ago…

Photo: Loved coming across this awesome statement today!

Years ago, today, I may not have had the strength to make the decision to walk away from something that no longer served me or made me happy. That day was a mistake. I practice this more often now, walking away from things that don’t grow me. I do this because I’m wiser, and because I have the support from true friends and people that love me to make choices that serve me well. Life is short. Don’t live it with regrets.

Today is a new day. A new era. A new beginning. Everyday is full of love and happiness. Thank you family, friends and my love. I am eternally grateful!

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3 thoughts on “Years ago…

  1. So my question is what did you walk away from?

    • I am just generally walking away from things that don’t serve me well anymore. Unfortunately, recently I have had to walk away from a friendship. It has been difficult, but ultimately the best thing for me. And years ago, I should have walked away from a relationship. I didn’t though, and cannot change the past (you know how this goes). It’s okay though, we live and we learn 🙂 And we often end up in a better place!

  2. Tom Schaaf says:

    Hindsight is a wonderful power to possess ……IF one can learn from what you have experienced. Too many people don’t want admit they made a mistake and want to place the blame elsewhere! GOOOD FOR YOU!

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